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Spiral Mesh Press Filter Belts

● Solid-liquid separation & drying
● Effluent treatment (wastewater, sewage, sludge de-watering)
● Pharmaceutical & chemical industry
● Mining & mineral industry
● Pulp & paper industry
● Food industry


Polyester Spiral Press Filter Belts are made with spiral dryer fabrics with extra filler yarns inserted in the spiral loops to reduce the air permeability and less material loss on the surface of the fabric.
Polyester Spiral Press filter belts are usually made of abrasive resistant polyester.
Polyester Spiral Press Filter Belt is also a monofilament polyester fabric but not like a woven fabric, instead this is a polyester fabric with spiral twisted wires where pins hold the spirals together like a chain.

A Spiral filter belt does not need extra joint seam like woven filter belts, because spiral coils at both ends of the spiral filter belt can be connected together. The spiral seam on the spiral filter belt is stronger and the lifetime of this connection is in some applications more durable that clipper seam AISI304/316, which is used for woven filter belts. Therefore spiral filter belt could be a solution for applications, where woven filter belts with a clipper seam prematurely fail.

Spiral Filter Belt edges are usually reinforced with glues that are both mechanically strong and very flexible. High-quality glue not only increases the mechanical strength of the belt edge, but also firmly holds the weft in the fabric.
For years we have been manufacturing filter belts made of synthetic fabrics for a wide range of pressure belt filters of different sizes and designs, applicable for dewatering or solid-liquid separation in industries such as mining, chemical, food or wastewater treatment.

● The Polyester Spiral Press Filter Belts are produced with high cross-sectional stability and long service life.
● The Polyester Spiral Press Filter Belts width can be from 20 to 500 cm, depending on the filtration equipment.
● Due to the special structure of the spiral ring, there can be no seams at the filter belt connection
● Robust glued edges
● FDA Certification
Spiral filter belts with filling yarns are mainly used as filter cloth, drying media or conveyor belts for solid-liquid separation in the belt press filter.
We supply a wide variety of belts for industrial filtration or for environmental applications, choosing the material according to the characteristics of the product to be filtered, the work pressure, temperature, etc. that allows achieving a perfect solid-liquid separation. The type of material for a belt can vary depending on the customer’s specifications and applications.
● Solid-liquid separation & drying
● Effluent treatment (wastewater, sewage, sludge de-watering)
● Pharmaceutical & chemical industry
● Mining & mineral industry
● Pulp & paper industry
● Food industry


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